Camille Mouflier M.A.

Sept. 2023 – Aug. 2024
Antike Philosophie
15 Quai Claude Bernard
69007 Lyon
2023 – 2024
Research stay funded by DAAD – Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Supervisor: Pr. James Wilberding
2020 – now
PhD Student – Université de Lyon III
Supervisor: Pr. Jean-François Pradeau
2019 – 2020
Laurea Magistrale in scienze filosofiche (equivalent to a MA in Philosophy) – Università degli studi di Roma Tre
Supervisor: Pr. Riccardo Chiaradonna
2018 – 2019
Agrégation de Philosophie (high-level competitive examination for teachers)
MA in Philosophy to prepare the Agrégation – Université de Nantes
2016 – 2018
MA in Philosophy (in two years) – Université de Nantes
Supervisor: Pr. Angelo Giavatto
2013 – 2016
BA in Philosophy – Université de Nantes
Plotinian Mereology. Study of the Relationship between Wholes and Parts in Plotinus’ Philosophy
As a Platonist, Plotinus considers the human being to be composed of a body and a soul. While the human being is traditionally thought of as part of the world, Plotinus considers that he is also part of another world: the intelligible one. My thesis project aims to determine what is the exact meaning of this new sense of "part" that Plotinus introduces. In order to do so I first study what it means for him to be part of the sensible world, before turning to the intelligible world (for souls are not the only intelligible "parts" for Plotinus). Finally, my work focuses on the status of the human being between these two worlds, both of which are characterized as totalities. This conception of the human being as torn between two worlds provides Plotinus with a particularly powerful interpretation of Platonic anthropology.
Review in french for Études Platoniciennes: Lloyd P. Gerson, Platonism and Naturalism, Ithaca and London, Cornell University Press, 2020 (i.p.)