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Costanza de Martino M.A.

Costanza de Martino

Ancient Philosophy and History of Ancient Science (APhil/HistAS)

Klassische Philologie

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Institut für Klassische Philologie
Unter den Linden 6
10099 Berlin

2017 2020
MA (Laurea Magistrale) in Philology and History of Antiquity – University of Pisa; title of dissertation: „Philumeni De venenatis animalibus eorumque remediis: traduzione e commento“

06/2019   09/2019
Trainee within the “Erasmus Traineeship” program for the Corpus Medicorum Graecorum

2014 – 2017
BA (Laurea triennale) in Humanities – University of Pisa; title of dissertation: „L’epica nella Poetica di Aristotele: commento filologico ai capitoli XXIII e XXIV“

2009 – 2014
High School classical diploma at Liceo Classico Pietro Giannone, San Marco in Lamis (FG)

Philumeni De venenatis animalibus eorumque remediis et fragmenta

The first part of my project consists in a new edition of Philoumenos’ De venenatis animalibus eorumque remediis, supplemented with a commentary offering the possible explanations of the data involved in the text (zoological, botanical, toxicological, clinical, therapeutic and pharmacological). The second part of my research would be addressed to Philoumenos’ fragmentary work within the later medical literature, namely Oribasius and Aetius of Amida, as it is still unpublished. The entire project would both contribute to our knowledge of iologica and to a clearer determination of Philoumenos’ evanescent figure.