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Paola Santospagnuolo M.A.


Landscape Archaeology and Architecture (LAA)

Klassische Archäologie

Freie Universität Berlin
Institut für Klassische Archäologie
Fabeckstraße 23-35
14195 Berlin

Academic Education and Scholarships

10/2021 – 12/2021
Gastsemester an der University of Oxford, im Michaelmas Term 2021

Since 04/2019     
Elsa-Neumann-Stipendium des Landes Berlin (NaFöG)

08/2018 – 01/2019     
DAAD Short Term Grant at Freie Universität Berlin

Master’s Degree in Archaeology at Sapienza, University of Rome – Faculty of Arts and Humanities. Thesis in Ancient Topography

03/2015 – 08/2015     
Erasmus Scholarship at University of Cologne

Bachelor’s Degree in Archaeology at Sapienza, University of Rome – Faculty of Arts and Humanities. Thesis in  Methodology of Archaeological Research

Professional Education

Workshop “Historical Earthquakes. Dialog between Archaeology, Geology, Archeoseismology and Architecture” (HU Berlin, TU Berlin, FU Berlin)

06/2018 – 10/2018     
Workshop “Modelling Archaeological Landscapes. Bridging Past and Present in two Mediterranean Islands” (Universities of Heidelberg and Catania)

03/2014 – 04/2014     
Workshop on the Marseilles wreck amphorae in collaboration with the DRASSM in Aix en Provence (Sapienza University of Rome)

01/2015 – 02/2015     
Internship at the Drawings Archive – Ex Centrale Montemartini (Roma Capitale Superintendence)

Workshop on the wreck loads in the Aeolian Islands


Tannetum (Taneto di Gattatico, Reggio Emilia, Italy). Sapienza University of Rome - Syddansk University of Odense

Canosa di Puglia (Barletta-Andria-Trani, Italy). Sapienza University of Rome

Peltuinum (Prata d'Ansidonia L'Aquila, Italy). Sapienza University of Rome

Circus Maximus (Rome, Italy). Roma Capitale Superintendence

Leopoli-Cencelle (Viterbo, Italy). Sapienza University of Rome

Palatine Hill (Rome, Italy). Sapienza University of Rome

Bathing culture in Roman Sicily (2nd c. BC – 4th c. AD)

The project investigates the bathing culture in the main Sicilian cities under Roman rule (2nd BC – 4th AD). The main goal is to understand what consequences had the construction of the bathing complexes within the cityscapes. A comparison between the bathing culture in Sicily and in other Roman territories can show the role of Sicily in Roman times, which has been so far marginalized and underestimated, and how different areas were integrated into the Empire. This observation will contribute to the ongoing debate on the “Romanization” and the theoretical concepts of globalization and glocalization.