Daniele Zampierin M.A.

Languages and Cultures of the Silk Road (Silk Road)
Vorderasiatische Archäologie
Institut für Vorderasiatische Archäologie
Fabeckstr. 23-25
14195 Berlin
Education and training:
2018 – 2020
(As part of ARCHMAT): Master’s in “Scienze e tecnologie per la conservazione dei beni culturali” – Sapienza University (Rome Italy)
2018 – 2020
(As part of ARCHMAT): Mestrado em Arqueologia e Ambiente – Evora University (Portugal)
“Mentions of Honour” at the “CWMUN Abu Dhabi 2019“
2015 – 2018
Bachelor in Archaeology – Leiden University (Netherlands)
Work Experience:
Collaborating with Claudia Pizzinato as freelance archaeologists.
worked for “Archeogeo” as archaeologist in Trento (IT)
05/2017 – 07/2017
Archaeological internship within Nexus1942 project (University of Leiden)
Active Projects:
Collaboration with “DHOMIAP”
Collaboration with “Archaeologists connected”
Member of the editorial board of “Archeologia Veneta”
Past perception of time and past economy of long-distance trade: The Indian Ocean and its globalizing network
Diese Dissertation wird gefördert durch ein Promotionsstipendium des Einstein Center Chronoi.
van Aerde, Marike, and Daniele Zampierin. 2020. A lot of pepper and little garum: an archaeological comparison of the Roman presence at Berenike and Arikamedu. Ancient West & East 19: 145–66.