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Prof. Dr. Katharina Galor


Mai – Jul. 2016; Apr. 2018

2017 – 2018     
Visiting Professor, Theologische Fakultät, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

2017 – 2018     
Senior Research Fellow, Zentrum Jüdische Studien Berlin-Brandenburg

Research Fellow, Berliner Antike-Kolleg

1998 – present     
Visiting Professor at Brown University

Post-doctorate in History and Archaeology, Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Ph.D. in Ancient Art and Archaeology, Brown University

Diplome d’etudes approfondi, History of Art and Archaeology, Universite D’Aix-Marseille 1

Fellow Einstein Center Chronoi

Gender and Temporality in Jewish Memory: A Visual and Material Cultural Analysis

I intend to use the residency at the Chronoi – Einstein Center primarily to work on a new book project with the current working title Gender and Temporality in Jewish Memory: A Visual and Material Cultural Analysis. From the end of the eighteenth century and the emergence of the Wissenschaft des Judentums, scholars of Talmudic literature and its relation to visual and material culture have tended to explore the period of late antiquity in relative chronological isolation. Two aspects have been largely neglected: first, temporality (which I understand as the experience of time) and multi-temporality (the implicit or articulated perception of living in multiple temporal frames simultaneously) as an important legacy of late antique Judaism; second, the importance of the existential and methodological dimensions of visual and material culture in the construction of gender and sexuality. My transhistorical and transcontextual study will explore the question of Jewish women’s agency in four geographic, chronological, and methodological contexts:

1) Dress code in Roman-Byzantine Syria-Palestine (64 BCE – 638 CE)

2) Ritual purity in medieval Ashkenaz (1096 –1348)

3) Worship in the ancient Comtat Venaissin (1274 –1791)

4) Women’s lives and sexualities in modern Israel (1948–)

At the fore of this investigation will be the experience of time for the production of a legacy of ancestry, tradition, and continuity, positioning late antique Judaism as a constant point of reference both as it is anchored in the Biblical (pre-Talmudic) heritage as well as in the way it was perceived and reinterpreted from the middle ages through the present day.

Research Fellow Berliner Antike-Kolleg

Women, Gender and Sexuality in Ancient Jewish Visual and Material Culture

My projectexplores how women, gender, and sexuality shaped a distinctive Jewish visual and material culture during the Roman and Byzantine periods. Various forms of representation, artifacts and structural remains will be examined in light of literary evidence, primarily Talmudic and other contemporary sources.My goal for this research period will be (1) to map the project's conceptual and geographic boundaries and (2) to complete a draft of the first two chapters, one of which will deal with various aspects of "social skin" and the other with different issues related to "sacred space".

K. Galor/H. Bleodhorn, The Archaeology of Jerusalem: From the Origins to the Ottomans (New Haven 2013).

K. Galor/G. Avni (Eds.), Unearthing Jerusalem: 150 Years of Archaeological Research in the Holy City. Proceedings of the Conference held at Brown University November 12-14, 2006 (Warsaw, Indiana 2011).

K. Galor, "The Stepped Water Installations of the Sepphoris Acropolis", in: D. Edwards/C. McCollough (Eds.), The Archaeology of Difference: Gender, Ethnicity and the ‘Other’ in Antiquity, Studies in Honor of Eric M. Meyers (Boston 2007) 205-217.

K. Galor/J.-B. Humbert/J. Zangenberg (Eds.), Qumran: The Site of the Dead Sea Scrolls. Archaeological Interpretations and Debates. Proceedings of the Conference held at Brown University November 17-19, 2002 (Leiden 2006).

K. Galor/P. Bienkowski, Crossing the Rift: Resources, Routes, Settlement Patterns and Interaction in the Wadi Arabah, Proceedings of the Conference held at the Fernbank Museum of Natural History in Atlanta, GA, November 19, 2003 (Levant Supplementary Series 3; Warswaw Indiana 2006).
