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Theory Network: "Acculturation and hybridity from Spain to India"

The Theory Network meets on November 09 to discuss concept of acculturation and hybridity.

News from Oct 19, 2022


Malkin, I. (2017). "Hybridity and Mixture", in A. Arcangelo, M. Lombardo , & A. Siciliano (Eds.), Ibridazione e integrazione in Magna Grecia: forme, modelli, dinamiche : atti del cinquantaquattresimo Convegno di studi sulla Magna Grecia : Taranto, 25-28 settembre 2014, pp. 11-22

Aerde, M.E.J.J. van (2018), "Revisiting Taxila: A new approach to the Greco-Buddhist archaeological record", Ancient West & East, 17, pp. 203 - 229

Ruiz, A. and Molinos, M. (1998), "Introduction", in The Archaeology of the Iberians, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, p. 1-13 (especially p. 4-13)



Meeting-ID: 614 0858 0848
Password: 275736


Alexander Veling
Mariana Silva Porto

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