Curtain up and start the show!
This video features all the exciting things the BAK does: the research questions we tackle, the way we work together and what we aim to achieve. Enjoy!
Ancient studies-related events in Berlin
"Ps.-Alexander's Commentary on Aristotle’s Metaphysics"
Digital Classicist Seminar: "In Search of Lost Time – Date estimation of Broken Cuneiform Resources using Network Analysis"
"Mobilität und Paleogenetik im Mesolithikum und Neolithikum im Spiegel neuer archäologischer Befunde und Analysen aus Brandenburg"
"Migration als wissenschaftliche Herausforderung – ein archäologischer Blick auf eine nicht endende Debatte"
Conflicts and how to deal with them – projects of the annual theme 2023/24
Threat from the East?
The project engages in the critical appraisal of the "clash of cultures" between mounted warriors from the Eurasian steppe and Central European farmers. This reappraisal of the narrative encompasses inquiry into non-violent forms of exchange.
Fight or Flight: The archaeology of space, mobility, and violence
Finds and findings relating to the interaction of violence, space and mobility are examined in this project, but so is evidence of crisis management and peace. The archaeological perspective is expanded through inter- and trans-disciplinary exchange.
Conflicts and religio-political resolutions of conflict in the Greco-Roman world
The project focuses on cultures of conflict and religious-political resolutions of conflicts, taking social science aspects into account. The aim is to establish a working group and hold an international conference.
When weapons speak: Inscriptions on munitions as performative messages
The project analyses messages to enemies inscribed on Roman glandes (sling leads ). In addition to the digitalization of these "talking weapons", their inscriptions will be subjected to philological analysis and compared to insulting messages on other ancient and modern war materials.
Image Credits
Bedrohung aus dem Osten? Der eurasische Steppenraum als Konfliktreservoir und Innovationsmotor
Image Credit: Berliner Antike-Kolleg | Foto: Tobias Mörtz, Gestaltung: Birgit Nennstiel
Fight or Flight: The archaeology of space, mobility, and violence
Image Credit: Berliner Antike-Kolleg | Foto: envato, Gestaltung: Birgit Nennstiel
Das Eingreifen der Sabinerinnen, Jacques-Louis David (1748-1825)
Image Credit: Berliner Antike-Kolleg | Foto: Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons, Gestaltung: Birgit Nennstiel
Wenn Waffen sprechen
Image Credit: Berliner Antike-Kolleg | Foto: Ulrike Ehmig, Gestaltung: Birgit Nennstiel
Active voices – transdisciplinary projects of the annual theme 2022/23
An inclusive digital exhibition
BaWikA is developing the digital exhibition "Pi-Ramesse: Explore the Capital of Ramses II". The focus lies on an inclusive and barrier-free design that enables a diverse group of people to participate on an equal footing.
A collaborative collection of Latin inscriptions
The project collects private photographs of Latin inscriptions and makes them generally available in a database. In particular, inscriptions affected or threatened by destruction are documented in this way and made available for scholarly research.
A game concept in multi-perspective evaluation
The follow-up project to "Taskforce: Saving Antiquities" combines the protection of cultural assets with current issues such as climate change, restitution and war. The existing game concept will be further developed in a collaborative series of events and prepared for subsequent use.
A network for the prevention of cultural property offences
The active protection of cultural property requires close cooperation between ancient studies and the authorities. To strengthen communication, a network between researchers, customs, police, public prosecutors and cultural authorities is being established.
Image Credits
Increasing accessibility of science communication in archaeology
Image Credit: Berliner Antike-Kolleg
"Before they are lost forever": a collaborative open-access platform for privately held photographs of Latin inscriptions
Image Credit: Berliner Antike-Kolleg
Developing! Taskforce Saving Antiquities. Testing of game concept developed through transdisciplinary approach: multi-perspective evaluation
Image Credit: Berliner Antike-Kolleg
Kultur-gut schützen!
Image Credit: Berliner Antike-Kolleg
The BAK at a glance
The Berliner Antike-Kolleg (BAK) was founded in 2011 by six major Berlin institutions of different traditions and with different social responsibilities in order to permanently establish a new type of inter-institutional research and education structure.
What makes us distinctive
Interinstitutional research
The Research Center of Ancient Studies (RCAS) brings together the international research activities of BAK.
An international graduate school
The Berlin Graduate School of Ancient Studies (BerGSAS) is home to five doctoral programs located at Freie Universität Berlin and Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.
Digitisation of the ancient world
The division Forum Digital Antiquities (FDA) advances traditional resources of the humanities by implementing digital techniques.
Exchange and dialogue
This unit is the natural home of open-minded debate on topics from the ancient world that is accessible to a wider public.
Image Credits
Workshop RCAS
Image Credit: —
Poster presentation
Image Credit: Berliner Antike-Kolleg
Scanning of an ancient architectural fragment from Magnesia
Image Credit: Stephan Zink
Antiquity Slam 2018
Image Credit: Juergen Morgenroth Fotografie
Projects and initiatives
The Berliner Antike-Kolleg sees itself as as a structure enabling interdisciplinary research activities based on inter-institutional planning. In cooperation with our partners, we identify innovative research questions and develop new ideas into mature proposals. This new form of cooperation has given rise to a variety of projects and sustainable initiatives in the last years.
What we support
The project browser B.forscht! is a cross-institutional directory and information portal. It offers a quick, searchable overview of the current projects of the research institutions for ancient studies in the region of Berlin-Brandenburg.
Digital Classicist Berlin
The seminar series focuses on the application of digital methods, resources, and techniques in ancient studies.
DH for classical-philological literary studies
The interdisciplinary working group discusses the implications of Digital Humanities for Classical Philology. The focus is on the benefits of digital methods in literary research and teaching.
Old texts, new perspectives
The Friedrich-Gedike-Seminar – Akademie für Lehrkräftefortbildung is committed to the transfer of knowledge between university research and school practice.
Saving Antiquities
The project creates interactive experiences designed to show people how the regime for the protection of cultural assets works and what lies behind it. The focus is on the development of a cooperative game incorporating digital elements.
Time and the awareness of time in the ancient world
The Einstein Center Chronoi investigates time and related aspects such as awareness of time, time management, time reckoning and temporality in interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary formats.
Studying antiquity using natural science methods
The network is an association of institutions and specialized researcher conducting research at the intersections of the natural sciences and cultural studies.
A dialogue between ancient and modern times
The August-Boeckh-Antikezentrum (ABAZ) initiates and coordinates interdisciplinary research and teaching activities and projects.
Image Credits
B.forscht! Logo
Image Credit: Berliner Antike-Kolleg | Gestaltung: Birgit Nennstiel
Digital Classicist Berlin Logo
Image Credit: Digital Classicist Berlin | Gestaltung: Birgit Nennstiel
Bridge Classics Logo
Image Credit: Bridge Classics | Gestaltung: Birgit Nennstiel
Friedrich-Gedike-Seminar Logo
Image Credit: Friedrich-Gedike-Seminar | Gestaltung: Birgit Nennstiel
Saving Antiquities
Image Credit: Berliner Antike-Kolleg | Zeichnung: Carolin Müller
Logo des Einstein Centers Chronoi
Image Credit: Einstein Center Chronoi
Logo des ArchäometrieNetzwerks Berlin-Brandenburg
Image Credit: ArchäometrieNetzwerk Berlin-Brandenburg, Design: Agatha Küchler
Logo des August-Boeckh-Antikezentrums
Image Credit: August-Boeckh-Antikezentrum
What we offer
Berliner Antike* blog
Projects, events and individuals, presented in diverse and entertaining ways. Visit us at our blog!
Sign up to receive our regular newsletter with up-to-date information about events in the world of ancient studies.
In our calendar, you will find listings for all of the events in the region of relevance to ancient studies.
You can find a of resources from and about ancient studies in Berlin that are well worth viewing or hearing.
Literature search
Here we have compiled a list of the key libraries for ancient studies to facilitate fast and uncomplicate literature searches.
Infrastructure guide
The Infrastructure Guide offers a chance to get an overview of the specialized libraries, institutes and museums in the region.
Image Credits
Berliner Antike*-Blog
Image Credit: Berliner Antike-Kolleg
Image Credit: Berliner Antike-Kolleg
Image Credit: Berliner Antike-Kolleg
Image Credit: Berliner Antike-Kolleg
Literature Search
Image Credit: Berliner Antike-Kolleg
Infrastructure Guide
Image Credit: Berliner Antike-Kolleg