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Invitation to the Career Day 2023

On the 24th March, PhD and MA students of Ancient Studies and neighbouring fields will have the opportunity to listen to first-hand experience reports about various career options on the BerGSAS Career Day at the FU. Scientists with a PhD degree from numerous academic and non-academic areas of work will be giving insights into their individual professional career paths and their daily work.

News from Mar 01, 2023

During the event there will be short presentations by the speakers for the participants as well as opportunities for direct exchange. Some speakers have chosen the classic academic line of work or are employed in the academic sector more generally. However, students will also be able to inform themselves about career options with a PhD in Ancient Studies that they maybe haven’t even thought of before. Furthermore, concrete counselling services at the universities beyond the Career Day will be presented at the event.

The Career Day will take place in English and in presence at the BerGSAS building in Hittorfstraße 18, 14195 Berlin (Dahlem), from 9:30 o’clock. Please register until the 5th March by writing to bergsas-cd@berliner-antike-kolleg.org.

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