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BerGSAS alumnus appointed as professor

We are very pleased to announce that Darko Anev has accepted an appointment as professor at the Faculty of Theology of the Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje.

News from Oct 25, 2023

Darko Anev is an alumnus of the Ancient Languages and Texts program. He completed his doctoral thesis at the Institute for Christianity and Antiquity at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin at the chair of Prof. Dr. Cilliers Breytenbach (Professor for New Testament and for Ancient Studies) and was awarded a doctorate at the Faculty of Theology with a thesis entitled "Rettende Perspektive der Räumlichkeit nach dem Johannesevangelium". Immediately following his doctorate, he received a position as a lecturer at the University of Skopje. He now holds the chair and professorship of Biblical Studies in the Department of New Testament and Biblical Languages / Ancient Greek and Ancient Hebrew at the Faculty of Theology "Saint Kliment of Ohrid" at the University of Skopje.

We are very happy about his professorship and wish Darko Anev all the best!

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