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Five Predoc scholarships awarded

For the first time, the BAK and BerGSAS awarded five Predoc scholarships funded by the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin to prepare MA graduates for doctoral studies.

News from Jun 28, 2024

The scholarship serves to concretise the project proposals for dissertation projects to such an extent that the Predoc scholarship holders can successfully apply for a doctoral scholarship from external funding bodies, e.g. foundations. During the Predoc phase, they will be accepted into the propaedeuticum of the respective BerGSAS program.

Niklas Jungmann's project has the working title "Sustainibility and Luxury. The Water Management of the Ancient Nabataean City of Petra" (Classical Archaeology, BerGSAS program LAA).

Lisa Martingano is concerned with "From Mistra to Italy. Practice and Cultural Heritage of the Byzantines from Morea between Sign and Text" (Classical Philology, BerGSAS program ALT).

Sherouk Sehada's project is "A Palaeographical Study of Egyptian Inscriptions in Serabit el-Khadim during the Middle and new Kingdoms" (Archäologie und Kulturgeschichte Nordostafrikas, BerGSAS program ALT).

Roman Tikhonov's project has the working title "Das Verwischen der Grenzen? Der Diskurs über die menschliche Göttlichkeit im neronischen und flavischen Epos" (Classical Philology, BerGSAS program ALT).

In his project, Felix Zander deals with the question "Weltuntergang oder Neuanfang? Zephanja zwischen Prophetie und Apokalyptik" (Protestant Theology, BerGSAS Program ALT).

We wish all scholarship holders every success in preparing their project proposals. The Predoc scholarship holders, who successfully apply for external doctoral funding, will be admitted as full members to BerGSAS and participate in the regular curriculum of the chosen doctoral program.

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