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Dr. Hans Kopp


Ancient Languages and Texts (ALT)



seit 01/2016     
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter an der FU Berlin im Projekt „Bewegung als Prinzip: Dynamik und Transformation als politische Impulse im 5. Jh. v. Chr.“

2010 – 2013     
Masterstudium der Alten Geschichte an der FU Berlin

2006 – 2010     
Bachelorstudium der Geschichte und Kunstgeschichte an der FU Berlin

Abitur am Benedikt-Stattler-Gymnasium Bad Kötzting

Rule of the Sea: The Evolution and Transformation of an Ancient Concept from Thucydides to the later Roman Republic

This dissertation project focused on the development and transfer of conceptions of naval supremacy in Antiquity, with particular emphasis on historiographic treatments of this subject by Thucydides and Polybius.

For the period between the 5th c. BC and the late Roman Republic, the project explored the characteristics, transformation and unique, time-specific qualities of conceptions of maritime supremacy. It also investigated the transfer of these conceptions throughout the Mediterranean region and examine their role within larger imperial concepts.

This dissertation project was successfully completed within the Research Group B-1 Routes – Water – Knowledge of the Excellence Cluster 264 Topoi.