Dr. Georgia-Maria Korobili

Ancient Philosophy (APhil)
Classical Philology
2014 – 2018
PhD student, Philosophy, Science and the Sciences research training group
2011 – 2014
M.A. student, University of Ioannina (Greece)
2003 – 2008
B.A. student, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (Greece)
Centering on Life. Aristotle's On Youth and Old Age, on Life and Death, on Respiration, chapters 1-6. Translation, Commentary and Interpretive Essays
The study of the Parva Naturalia has attracted considerable scholarly interest in recent years and their importance as witnesses to Aristotle's thought on central aspects of his psychology and physiology is now widely recognised. However, the section gathered under the titles On Youth and Old Age, on Life and Death, on Respiration is still neglected in scholarship. The dissertation offers a full commentary on this section with a view to answering some crucial questions with regard to the content, the structure, as well as the basic concepts and ideas governing the text.
(co-edited with R. Lo Presti) Nutrition and Nutritive Soul in Aristotle and Aristotelianism. Topics in Ancient Philosophy 9, De Gruyter, Berlin / Boston, 418p. + xiv.
(co-authored with K. Stefou) “Aristotle on the Limits of Inquisitive Enterprise. The Case of kompsos in On Respiration and Beyond”, Rhetoric and Science 1: 50-78.
(co-authored with R. Lo Presti) “Introduction” in G. Korobili – R. Lo Presti (eds.) Nutrition and Nutritive Soul in Aristotle and Aristotelianism, Topics in Ancient Philosophy 9, De Gruyter, Berlin / Boston: ix-xxii.
“Aristotle on the Role of Heat in Plant Life” in G. Korobili – R. Lo Presti (eds.) Nutrition and Nutritive Soul in Aristotle and Aristotelianism, Topics in Ancient Philosophy 9, De Gruyter, Berlin / Boston: 153-169.
(co-authored with K. Stefou) “Plato’s Charmides on Philosophy as Holistic Medical Practice” in Ch. Thumiger (ed.) Holism in Ancient Medicine and its Reception, Studies in Ancient Medicine 53, Brill, Leiden / Boston: 201-219.
(co-authored with K. Stefou) “Η Ιδέα της Φιλοσοφίας ως Ολιστικής Ιατρικής Ενάσκησης στον πλατωνικό Χαρμίδην” in M.Mouzala (ed.) Αυτογνωσία και Επιμέλεια Ψυχής/Εαυτού. Αρχαία, Ελληνιστική, Βυζαντινή, Νεοελληνική Φιλοσοφία, Papazissipublications, Athens: 55-77.
“What do People Call Death? Aristotle’s Scientific Approach to a Natural Phenomenon” in Ch. Beneduce – D. Vincenti (eds.) Oeconomia Corporis. The Body’s Normal and Pathological Constitution at the Intersection of Philosophy and Medicine, Collana Mefisto supplement 7: 21-29.
„Ernährung, Leben und Gesundheit des beseelten Körpers“ in U. Kornmeier (ed.) Die Seele ist ein Oktopus. Antike Vorstellungen vom belebten Körper, Exzellenzcluster TOPOI, Berliner Medizinhistorisches Museum der Charité, Deutsches Medizinhistorisches Museum Ingolstadt, Berlin / Ingolstadt: 72-79.
“Nutrition, Life and Health of the Ensouled Body” in Uta Kornmeier (ed.) The Soul is an Octopus. Ancient Ideas of Life and the Body, Berliner Medizinhistorisches Museum der Charité, Edition Topoi, Berlin: 68-75.
"Indirect Speech in Ancient Greek Language", in: Ancient Greek Language, Ioannina University Press, Ioannina, 179-199.
"Gerundium and Gerundivum in Latin Language", in: Latin Language, Ioannina University Press