Krisztina Hevesi M.A.

Ancient Philosophy and History of Ancient Science (APhil/HistAS)
Freie Universität Berlin
Fabeckstraße 23-25
14195 Berlin
2019 – 2024
Freie Universität Berlin (Berlin, Germany)
Department of History and Cultural Studies, Ancient Studies, Egyptology
Berlin Graduate School of Ancient Studies – Ancient Philosophy and History of Ancient Science (DAAD Scholarship)
PhD in Egyptology
Defended (22/05/2024)
2017 – 2019
Universität Heidelberg (Heidelberg, Germany)
Faculty of Philosophy, Department of Egyptology
PhD in Egyptology (first phase of research)
2014 – 2016
Eötvös Loránd University (Budapest, Hungary)
Faculty of Humanities, Department of Egyptology
Egyptology, MA
Outstanding degree with honours
2013 – 2014
Université de Strasbourg (Strasbourg, France)
Faculté des Sciences Historiques, Institut d’égyptologie
Archéologie des mondes anciens – Égyptologie (Master 1)
2010 – 2013
Eötvös Loránd University (Budapest, Hungary)
Faculty of Humanities, Department of Egyptology
Ancient Languages and Cultures – Egyptology, BA
Theoretical Linguistics
2005 – 2009
József Attila Secondary Grammar School
1 Váli utca, 1117 Budapest, Hungary
Work experience
Research fellowship:
01/02/2024 – present
Project “Proper and Improper Ritual in Christian Magical Tradition”
Principal Investigator: Joseph Emanuel Sanzo, Associate Professor of History of Religions
Department and university: Department of Asian and North African Studies, University Ca’ Foscari Venezia
Editorial work:
01/02/2018 – 15/05/2018 and 01/06/2018 – 31/07/2018
Volume: Participation in the edition of QUACK, J. F. et al. (eds.), Cultural Plurality in Ancient Magical Texts and Practices. Graeco-Egyptian Handbooks and Related Traditions, ORA (HiWi contract)
Department and university: Department of Egyptology, Universität Heidelberg
01/12/2018 – 30/04/2019
Volume: Participation in the edition of QUACK, J. F. et al. (eds.), Rituals Against Enemies, ORA (HiWi contract)
Department and university: Department of Egyptology, Universität Heidelberg
Participation in the development of databases:
2016 – 2018
Database: Hyperión digital encyclopedia of the Hungarian Museum of Fine Arts
Institute: Hungarian Museum of Fine Arts
Responsibilities and skills: writing thirteen entries for the Hyperión digital encyclopedia of the Hungarian Museum of Fine Arts.
Data entry ▪ Edition of websites for the entries ▪ Problem solving ▪ Remote work.
2018 – 2021
Database: Campbell Bonner Magical Gems Database
Institute: Hungarian Museum of Fine Arts
Responsibilities and skills: edition of the webpages of magical gems and data entry in the Campbell Bonner Magical Gems Database.
Data entry ▪ Analytical skills ▪ Problem solving ▪ Remote work
04/06/2018 – 22/06/2018
Project “Database and Dictionary of Greek Loanwords in Coptic” (DDGLC)
Institute: Department of History and Cultural Studies, Ancient Studies, Egyptology, Freie Universität Berlin
2020 – 2023
Project “The Coptic Magical Papyri: Vernacular Religion in Late Antique and Early Islamic Egypt”
Institute: Julius Maximilian University of Würzburg
Continuity and Discontinuity of Scribal Traditions in Coptic Magical Texts
My PhD subject aims at studying scribal traditions in Coptic magical texts. In total, 43 text editions give the main corpus for my investigation, from which the 20 texts of the Berlin Magical Archive are re-editions, 8 inventory numbers cover the unpublished fragments of the Heidelberg collection, while 15 unpublished manuscripts and fragments belong to the Strasbourg collection. My work contains the editio princeps of the unpublished texts of the two latter collections. Furthermore, digital montages and my own drawings are included in all the cases. In this research, I emphasize the significance of magical handbooks, master texts and the activity of magical libraries as well as the scribal education that lay behind the production of the manuscripts, and examine the question of continuity and discontinuity of scribal practices through intertextual features and comparative analysis of palaeographical and material characteristics that were likewise respected at the transmission of traditions. In all the three cases, the extensive study involves the modern history of the collections, foldmarks, inks and physical formats.
Hevesi, K. The Role of Greek Loanwords in Coptic Magical Texts. Mere Technical Terms or Indicators of Scribal Education? In: E. Apostola – C. Kekes (eds.), Current Research in Egyptology 2021. Proceedings of the Twenty-First Annual Symposium, University of the Aegean, 9-16 May 2021. Archaeopress: Summertown, 237–248.
Hevesi, K. A Letter from Phoibammon to Apa Athanasios. In: A. Boud’hors – A. Delattre (eds.), Coptica Sorbonensia. Textes de la 6e école d’été de papyrologie copte, Paris, 2-11 juillet 2018 (P. Sorb. Copt.). Studia papyrologica et aegyptiaca parisina 4. Paris, 169–173.
Hevesi, K. A Few Remarks on the Persistence of Native Egyptian Historiolae in Coptic Magical Texts. In: M. Peterková Hlouchová/D. Belohoubková/J. Honzl/V. Nováková (eds.) Current Research in Egyptology 2018. Proceedings of the Nineteenth Annual Symposium, Czech Institute of Egyptology, Faculty of Arts, Charles University, Prague, 25–28 June 2018. Oxford, 42–54.
Hevesi, K. P. Stras. K 204 and K 205. An Unpublished Coptic Magical Collection from the Bibliothèque nationale et universitaire de Strasbourg. In: S. Kiyanrad/C. Theis/L. Willer (eds.) Bild und Schrift auf 'magischen' Artefakten. Materiale Textkulturen 19. Berlin/Boston, 49–118.
Hevesi, K. A Hórusz-táblák szimbolikája. In: P. Doma/F. Takó (eds.) „Közel, s Távol” V. Budapest, Eötvös Collegium, 243–256 (conference proceedings; article about the symbolism of the cippi of Horus, in Hungarian).
2015 - 2016
Entries in the Hyperión digital encyclopedia of the Hungarian Museum of Fine Arts (in Hungarian): Kopt mágikus szövegek (Coptic magical texts); Gnosztikus irodalom/Nag Hammadi könyvtár (Gnostic literature/the Nag Hammadi library); Hórusz-táblák (Cippi of Horus); Gyógyító szobrok (Healing statues); Menat; Petbe; Templomi könyvtár (Temple scriptoria); Újévi rítusok az egyiptomi templomban (New Year rites in Egyptian temples); Meretszeger (Meretseger); Ptah-Szokarisz-Ozirisz szobrok (Ptah-Sokar-Osiris statues); Stelephoros szobrok (Stelophorus statues); Senute (Shenoute); Fehér Kolostor (White Monastery).
Hevesi, K. The Coptic Medico-magical Text K 11088 from the Papyrus Collection of the Austrian National Library. In: Journal of Coptic Studies 17, 55–83.