Noa Naftalovich M.A.

Ancient Philosophy and History of Ancient Science (APhil/HistAS)
History of Knowledge
1st Conference of the International Academy of the History of Science (Athens, Greece): Lecture title: "Geometry and Regularities in Greek Artifacts and Architecture"
The 19th Annual Conference of the Israel Society for the History and Philosophy of Science (Jerusalem, Israel), Lecture title: "Geometry and Regularities in Greek and Roman Artifacts and Architecture"
Walter de Gruyter-Seminar der Mommsen-Gesellschaft (Wittenberg, Germany): 'Ancient Philosophy beyond the Lecture Hall': Lecture title: "Vitruvius' Cosmology and Cosmogony – a New interpretation of Plato's Demiurge"
09/2017 – 02/2023
PhD studies in the Faculty of Philosophy, Humboldt University, Berlin
09/2017 – 02/2023
Doctoral fellow in the BerGSAS, Program: Ancient Philosophy and History of Ancient Science (HistAS)
2016 – 2017
Research assistant for Prof. Israel Shatzman from the Hebrew University: publication of academic textbook "The Imperialism and the Empire of Rome", the Open University of Israel
Oxford - Tel Aviv University Programme in the Study of the Ancient World: 'Secular and Sacred Time in the Ancient World'
Keynote speaker at the Young Historians Conference, Ben Gurion University of the Negev: Lecture title: "Philolaus the Pythagorean and the Megaron"
2014 – 2015
Paedagogica Foundation Grant, Courtesy of Mr. Abraham Ben-Naftali
2013 – 2017
M.A. in the Department of Classics Studies, Tel-Aviv University
2013 – 2015
The Joint Program Scholarship of M.A. Studies in the Department of Classics Studies
2013 – 2014
Dean of Student Scholarship
All Faculties Scholarship for Academic Achievements
2012 – 2016
Research assistant for Dr. Ido Israelowich, Department of Classics Studies, Tel-Aviv University
2009 – 2013
B.A. in the Departments of Classics Studies and Art History, Tel-Aviv University
Greek and Roman Architecture and Cosmological Perceptions
My study seeks to draw a comparison between the architectural thinking guidelines and the philosophical cosmological perceptions in ancient Greek and Rome. The aim is to demonstrate the consistency between architectural ideas, methods and techniques to the philosophical understanding of nature, the structure of the universe and the powers that control the order in the world. Much of the discussion in the research deals with regularities such as geometry, symmetry and harmony that stand as universal laws. The common ground of these two independent disciplines, i.e. architecture and philosophy, are analyzed through various primary texts with a focal point of view of Vitruvius' De Arichtectura.