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Dr. Dr. Susanne M. Hoffmann


History of Ancient Science (HistAS)

Philosophy/Hystory of Atronomy

Promotion (Dr. phil.), HU Berlin

2015 – 2016     
Leiterin von Sternwarte und Planetarium Königsleiten, Österreich

2013 – 2015     
Research Fellow im Exzellenzcluster Topoi

2010 – 2013     
Wiss. Mitarbeiterin Abt. Physik und Physikdidaktik Universität Hildesheim

2006 – 2009     
Studium Medienwissenschaften (FH+Uni Potsdam) und Philosophie (Berlin)

2002 – 2008     
Studium Wissenschaftsgeschichte, Diplom: Hamburg, 2010

1999 – 2005     
Studium Physik, Diplom: Potsdam, 2005

The history of positional astronomy. From the Babylonian sources on stellar positions to the Greek reception by Hipparchus and Ptolemy.

The project concerned the history of positional astronomy from the Babylonian sources to their reception by Hipparchus and Ptolemy.

The modern concept of describing stellar positions by celestial coordinates was formed in Greek antiquity. The earliest source using exact coordinates is the star catalogue in Ptolemy’s Almagest from the second century CE, but earlier approaches show up in Hipparchus’s work from the second century BCE, which is only partly preserved. This project analyses the transfer of concepts of mathematical astronomy from Babylon to Greece: Which Greek constellations were copied from Babylonian ones? Which Babylonian astrological tools and concepts did the ancients include in Greek mathematical astronomy? And which Babylonian lists of stars or other data did Greek astronomers use to set up or improve their own mathematical astronomy?


The result of this work is a better understanding of the transfer of concepts. We now understand how Hipparchus’s description of stellar positions differs from those by Ptolemy and which of Hipparchus’s data are of Babylonian origin and which are not. The development of scientific understanding is reconstructed from astrological and literary works as well as mathematical texts and by developing software to visually compare ancient celestial maps and globes. The high point of the historical positioning system is the invention of coordinate systems and their introduction to all mathematical science by transformation and generalization of astronomical concepts.

This dissertation project was successfully completed within the Research Group D-1 Space of nature of the Excellence Cluster 264 Topoi.


Hipparchs Himmelsglobus – Ein Bindeglied in der babylonisch-griechischen Astrometrie?, Reihe: Research, Springer Verlag, Wiesbaden, New York, 2017

Das Riesen-Schupmann-Teleskop von Rathenow, Reihe: UhuraUraniae, Bd.4, Verlag tredition, Hamburg, 2015


Wolfschmidt, G and Hoffmann, S. M. [Hrsg.]: Applied and Computational Historical Astronomy. Angewandte und computergestützte historische Astronomie. Proceedings of the Splinter Meeting in the Astronomische Gesellschaft, Sept. 25, 2020. Nuncius Hamburgensis – Beiträge zur Geschichte der Naturwissenschaften; Vol. 55, tredition, Hamburg 2021


Hoffmann S.M. and Vogt N: A Search for recurrent novae among Far Eastern guest stars, New Astronomy, Vol 92, 2022, 101722

Hoffmann, S.M. and Krebernik, M.: What do deities tell us about the celestial positioning system, Proceedings of Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale (held at Innsbruck 2018), submitted 2019, in print

Hoffmann S.M. and Vogt N.: Review on the search for historical novae and several byproducts, in Wolfschmidt and Hoffmann [Hrsg.]: Applied and Computational History of Astronomy – Proceedings of the Splinter Meeting in the Astronomische Gesellschaft, Sept. 25, 2020. Nuncius Hamburgensis – Beiträge zur Geschichte der Naturwissenschaften; Vol. 55, tredition, Hamburg 2021, 238-294

Hoffmann S.M.: Frequently Asked Questions on our Method, in Wolfschmidt and Hoffmann [Hrsg.]: Applied and Computational History of Astronomy – Proceedings of the Splinter Meeting in the Astronomische Gesellschaft, Sept. 25, 2020. Nuncius Hamburgensis – Beiträge zur Geschichte der Naturwissenschaften; Vol. 55, tredition, Hamburg 2021, 296-320

Hoffmann, S.M. Das babylonische Kompendium MUL.APIN: Messung von Zeit und Raum, in: Meller H., Reichenberger A. und Risch R. (Hrsg.), Zeit ist Macht: Wer macht Zeit? Time is power. Who makes Time? Tagungsband 13. Mitteldeutscher Archäologentag, in: Tagungen des Landesmuseums für Vorgeschichte, Bd. 24, Halle 2021, 251-275 (invited review)

Hoffmann S.M. and Wolfschmidt G.: Introduction to Applied and Computational Historical Astronomy, in Wolfschmidt and

Hoffmann [Hrsg.]: Applied and Computational History of Astronomy – Proceedings of the Splinter Meeting in the Astronomische Gesellschaft, Sept. 25, 2020. Nuncius Hamburgensis – Beiträge zur Geschichte der Naturwissenschaften; Vol. 55, tredition, Hamburg 2021, 13-33

Protte Ph. and Hoffmann S.M. Pre-Telescopic star catalogues – Accuracy in magnitudes and positions, in Wolfschmidt and Hoffmann [Hrsg.]: Applied and Computational History of Astronomy – Proceedings of the Splinter Meeting in the Astronomische Gesellschaft, Sept. 25, 2020. Nuncius Hamburgensis – Beiträge zur Geschichte der Naturwissenschaften; Vol. 55, tredition, Hamburg 2021, 109-144

Zotti, G.; Hoffmann, S.M.; Wolf, A.; Chéreau, F., Chéreau, G., The simulated sky: Stellarium for cultural astronomy, JSA, 6.2 2020, 221-258 (invited paper)

Hoffmann, S.M.: Historical Constellations in the Planetarium. Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union , Vol. 15 , Symposium S367: Education and Heritage in the Era of Big Data in Astronomy, December 2020, Cambridge University Press, 2021, 474 – 475

Hoffmann, S.M.: Star of Bethlehem – How to tell the astronomy correctly, The Planetarian, September 2021, p. 8-12; cont. p. 22-23

Hoffmann, S.M.: Reconstruction of ancient constellations in the planetarium dome, The Planetarian, June 2021, p. 12-20; cont. p. 74

Hoffmann, S.M.: Exoplaneten: Hohe Wissenschaft in der Grundschule? AATiS Praxisheft, Mai 2021, S. 45-52 (invited paper)

Hoffmann S.M., Vogt, N.: A search for the modern counterparts of the Far Eastern guest stars 369 CE, 386 CE and 393 CE, MNRAS, 197, 2, 1419–1433

Lux et al., in prep.

Bischoff, R. et al., Identification of young nearby runaway stars based on Gaia data and the lithium test, Astronomische Nachrichten, Volume 341, Issue 9, pp. 908-942

Protte, Ph and Hoffmann S.M, Accuracy of  magnitudes in pre-telescopic star catalogues, AN 2020

Heyne, Th. et al., Radial velocity measurements of the runaway stars AE Aur and ι Ori, Astronomische Nachrichten, Volume 341, Issue 645, pp. 645-650

Szegedi-Elek et al., Gaia 18dvy: a new FUor in the Cygnus OB3 association, ApJ, 2020

Hoffmann, S.; Vogt, N.: Counterparts of Far Eastern Guest Stars: Novae, supernovae, or something else?, MNRAS, 2020, 496, 4488–4506

Hoffmann, S., Vogt, N.: Cataclysmic variables as possible counterparts of ancient Far Eastern guest stars, MNRAS, 2020, 494, 5775-5786

Hoffmann, S., Vogt, N., Protte, Ph.: A new approach to generate a catalogue of potential historical novae, AN, 2020, 341, 79-98

Heyne, Th. et al, Spectroscopic characterization of nine binary star systems as well as HIP 107136 and HIP 107533, AN, 2020, 341, 99-117

Hoffmann, S.M.: Babylonian Constellations in Stellarium 0.19.*, in: Draxler, Lippitsch, Wolfschmidt (eds.), Harmony and Symmetry – Proceedings of SEAC Annual Meeting 2018 (held at Graz), Hamburg 2020, 156-172

Hoffmann, S.M.: Exoplaneten entdeckt und vermessen im Klassenzimmer, Zeitschrift der MNU 02/2020 , Verlag Klaus Seeberger, Neuss, 2020, S. 146-153

Hoffmann, S.: What information can we derive from historical Far Eastern guest stars for modern research on novae and cataclysmic variables? MNRAS, 2019

Vogt, N., Hoffmann, S., Tappert, C.: On the possibilities of classical nova identifications among historical Far Eastern guest star observations, AN, 2019

Hoffmann, S.M.: Wie groß war Eratosthenes’ Sonnenuhr?, Orbis Terrarum, Bd. 16, 2018, S.287-295

Hoffmann, S.M.: The Genesis of Hipparchus’ celestial globe, MAA, Vol. 18, No 4, 2018, pp. 281-287

Hoffmann, S.M.: How time served to measure the geographical position since Hellenism, in: Arias, E.F., Combrinck, L., Gabor, P., Hohenkerk, C., Seidelmann, P.K. (Eds.): The Science of Time 2016 – Time in Astronomy & Society, Past, Present and Future, Springer, 2017

Hoffmann, S.M.: Die Vermessung der Erde, in: Schulmagazin 5-10 – Impulse für den Unterricht, Cornelsen Verlag, 10/2017 (invited paper)

Hoffmann, S.M.: Rekonstruktion der griechischen und mesopotamischen Himmelskartographie(n) im ersten Millennium vor Beginn unserer Zeitrechnung, Orbis Terrarum 14 (2016), S. 33-49

Michel, Ch.; Hoffmann, S.M.; Schier, W.: Built Knowledge – Spatial Patterns and Viewsheds of Middle Neolithic Circular Enclosures in the Northern Foreland of the Harz Mountains, Saxony-Anhalt, Germany, EditionTopoi, 2016

Hoffmann, S.M.: Wie weit ist es zur Sonne? – Eine Lehreinheit für Projekte der Sek II, Zeitschrift der MNU 67/5, Verlag Klaus Seeberger, Neuss 15.07.2014, S. 278-282

Einführung in die Astronomie – Astronomieunterricht im astronomischen Sommerlager, Astronomie + Raumfahrt im Unterricht, Juni 2007, S. 50-51

Griechische Nächte – Die erstaunliche Karriere einer Physik-Hausarbeit, Astronomie + Raumfahrt im Unterricht, April. 2007, S.34-37

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