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Xiaozhe Li M.A.


Languages and Cultures of the Silk Road (Silk Road)

Prehistoric Archaeology

10/2017 04/2022
Doctoral candidate at the BerGSAS, program Languages and Cultures of the Silk Road (SilkRoad)

09/2015 – 06/2017     
Master at Shandong University, China: Master of Archaeology

10/2014 – 08/2015     
Master at Tel Aviv University, Israel: Master of Arts in Archaeology and Ancient Near Eastern Cultures

09/2010 – 06/2014     
Bachelor at Shandong University, China: Bachelor of Archaeology

Social Status and the Cultural Change – During the development of the Silk Road

In the first half of the 2nd century B.C., in order to stabilize the western boundary of the Han Dynasty, Zhangqian was sent as an official envoy to Western China for the first time, and then he made that trip a second time several years later. These two trips made a great contribution to the connection between Western China and Central Asia, with huge amounts of silk, ceramic, bronze and golden items beeing traded.

As a meeting point, Xinjing is an inevitable region for the communication between East and West. Therefore, I would like to explore the cultural development and social change in the Xinjiang region during the starting period, which is around 1st century A.D.