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We accept applications for all five doctoral programs for both winter and summer admissions. The summer-semester starting date for doctoral studies is the first of April – for the winter semester the starting date is first of October.

If you wish to apply for admission in the summer semester, we request that you send in your application materials by September 30 of the year before you wish to start.

If you wish to apply for admission in the winter semester, we request that you send in your application materials by April 30 of the year you wish to start.

Calls for applications are advertised on this website under the heading "Applications" and "News". BerGSAS also publishes its calls for applications in various national and international portals.

1) You have an outstanding Master's degree or diploma in Ancient Studies or a related discipline.

2) Your dissertation project deals with the ancient world.

3) At the time of your application, you must be able to prove that you are financed for the duration of your three-year doctoral studies (scholarship, part-time scientific position) or at least that you have applied to a third party for doctoral funding. Information on doctoral scholarships (only on German): https://www.fu-berlin.de/service/zuvdocs/amtsblatt/2021/ab042021.pdf

4) If the BerGSAS advertises scholarships, point 3 does not apply!

You can access the BerGSAS online application portal via the following link: https://application.berliner-antike-kolleg.org/?article_id=9

Fill out the application form. It is possible to save and continue the application at a later time. Make sure that your data is saved before you leave the page.

A list of the documents that must be submitted can be found at the very end of the application form after logging into our application portal. There you have the possibility to upload the documents as PDF files.

You do not need to provide certified copies for your application. If you are accepted into the BerGSAS, the university will request certified copies and, if necessary, ask for the originals. For the time being, however, neither originals nor certified copies are required.

1) German: German language skills at the DSH-2 level are recommended, but do not have to be proven.

2) English:

a) Freie Universität Berlin: In order to be admitted to the doctoral program, English language skills of level C1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) must be proven (see the doctoral regulations of the respective department as well as the rules and regulations governing foreign language skills of the Department of History and Cultural Studies: https://www.fu-berlin.de/service/zuvdocs/amtsblatt/2021/ab042021.pdf). If you do not have written proof of at least level B2 at the time of application at the BerGSAS program, you will have to provide this at your own responsibility before you can be admitted to doctoral studies by the university department (IELTS Academic, TOEFL, Unicert, DAAD etc.).

b) Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin: For admission to the doctoral studies, you do not need to provide proof of English language skills.

No, without funding through a scholarship from a public foundation or a university faculty or through employment as a research assistant at HU or FU or through an academic position as part of a research project, we do not accept students into the program.It is not a prerequisite for a successful application to our graduate school that applicants have secured funding for their doctorate at the time of the application, but funding will have to be secured by the time that students start on the program (April 1 or October 1).

At the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, the usual doctoral degrees in German-speaking countries are awarded, e.g. Dr. phil., Dr. theol. At Freie Universität Berlin, graduates of a graduate school are either awarded the title of PhD or the titles of Dr. phil., Dr. theol., etc. that are customary in German-speaking countries. It is essential that titles such as PhD and Dr. phil. are equivalent, but not interchangeable. You decide on one of the two titles, either PhD or Dr. phil.

Please note that it is not the graduate school that awards the academic title, but the responsible Doctoral Committee of the faculty/department.

If required, the dissertation can be written in a language other than German, provided this is permitted by the respective doctoral regulations.

The following applies to Freie Universität Berlin: Information can be obtained from the Doctoral Offices of the respective department.

The following applies to Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin: The dissertation can generally be written in English at the request of the doctoral candidate. The Doctoral Committee of the Faculty decides on applications. Writing the thesis in a language other than German or English is also only possible upon application, and only at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, at the Faculty of Philosophy, and at the Faculty of Theology.

Doctoral studies last six semesters.

Every doctoral program at the BerGSAS has its own set of regulations which, among other things, specify which courses are to be attended during the doctoral studies (= curriculum). A list of the curriculum requirements can be found in the respective rules and regulations for doctoral programs under § 11. These rules and regulations can be downloaded from our website (https://www.berliner-antike-kolleg.org/en/bergsas/programme/index.html).

Yes, thanks to agreements with the University of Michigan (Ann Arbor), Harvard University (Boston), University of Oxford, and Princeton University BerGSAS doctoral students can spend a guest semester at these partner universities. The exchange places are advertised annually within the BerGSAS.

The first supervisor of your dissertation must be a university professor at the Freie Universität Berlin or the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Project-related cooperations with the Technische Universität Berlin and the Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin are also possible. External academics can participate as second or third supervisors. A binational doctorate or a cotutelle procedure (doctorate at two universities) is also basically possible.

No, this will not be possible. This is a full-time program based in Berlin.

Every doctoral program has a student representative who gives voice to the interests and concerns of the doctoral students and supports the integration of students newly entering the program. They are elected for a two-year term. There are also interdisciplinary and inter-program forums like the Theory Network, the Pottery Network and the Digital Archaeology Network that were created at the initiative of doctoral students and are organized and led by them.

The coordinators and program chairpersons are responsible for answering questions about doctoral programs and for advising. You can also get assistance from the student representatives and the representatives of the doctoral program. In cases of conflict, you can bring your concerns to the BerGSAS ombudsman, or contact the HGS Conflict Consultation Office (https://www.humboldt-graduate-school.de/en/services-en/konflikte/kss-text) or the DRS (https://www.fu-berlin.de/sites/drs/offers)

Specifically for Freie Universität Berlin: For the topic of work/family/social issues, see: https://www.fu-berlin.de/en/sites/abt-1/stabsstellen/dcfam-service/index.html and for psychological counselling: https://www.fu-berlin.de/sites/mentalwellbeing/index.html

Specifically for Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin: Information and tips on the topics of pregnancy, financing, caring for relatives, and support services can be found in the brochure "Compatibility of Doctoral Studies and Family", which is always kept up-to-date by the Humboldt Graduate School and is available for download: https://www.humboldt-graduate-school.de/de/services/famzimmer/introfamzim

Please send us an e-mail (bergsas@berliner-antike-kolleg.org). We will be happy to help you and will reply as soon as possible.