Francesca D'Andrea M.A.
Mar. – June 2018
University Degrees
2015 – ongoing
PhD Candidate in Classics at the Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa. Supervisor: Prof. Gianfranco Adornato
2013 – 2015
Post-graduate School of Archaeology (Scuola di Specializzazione in Beni Archeologici), at the “Statale” University of Milan. Thesis: The antiquities collection near the Tomb of Scipios. History and development of an archaeological warehouse. Supervisor: Prof. Fabrizio Slavazzi; Assistant Supervisors: Prof. Maria Teresa Grassi, Prof. Rita Volpe. Final grade of 70 cum laude
2010 – 2012
MA in Classical Archaeology at the "Sapienza" University of Rome. Thesis: CIL VI - Monumenta columbariorum integra reperta. Sepulcra effossa A. MDCCCLXXI (Formae A-G). Reviewing and updating. Supervisor: Prof. Silvia Orlandi; Assistant Supervisor: Prof. Gian Luca Gregori. Final grade of 110 cum laude
2006 – 2009
BA in Classical Archaeology at the "Sapienza" University of Rome. Thesis: “The Via Marmorata Fasti at the National Roman Museum”. Supervisor: Professor Silvia Orlandi. Final grade of 110
Current Research Projects
2016 – ongoing
Main contributor of the “History and Epigraphy of the Esquiline Hill Project” (scientific coordinators: Prof. Gianfranco Adornato, Prof. Andrea Giardina). Laboratory of History, Archaeology, Epigraphy and Traditions from Antiquity (SAET), Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa
2016 – ongoing
Lokroi Epizephyrioi Project. New scientific research, excavations, and field surveys in the Locri area, carried out thanks to a strong collaboration between the SAET Laboratory (Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa), the Soprintendenza Archeologia della Calabria, the Polo Museale della Calabria, and Locri and Kaulon Archaeological Museums and Parks (Scientific coordinator: Prof. Gianfranco Adornato)
Main archaeological excavations
Summer 2015
Assistant supervisor. Archaeological excavation in Hadrian’s Villa. Advanced Program of Ancient History and Art (APAHA), Columbia University in the City of New York (Co-Directors: Prof. Francesco De Angelis, Prof. Marco Maiuro)
2013 – 2014
Field archaeologist. Archaeological excavation in Tarquinia (“Civita di Tarquinia”, Viterbo, Italy). “Statale” University of Milan (Director: Prof. Giovanna Bagnasco)
2006 – 2013
Field archaeologist and assistant supervisor. Archaeological excavation at the north-eastern slopes of the Palatine hill in Rome. "Sapienza" University of Rome (Director: Prof. Clementina Panella)
Stage (internship)
- Sovrintendenza Capitolina ai Beni Culturali. Area archeologica del sepolcro degli Scipioni
- Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici della Lombardia. Project RAPTOR (Ricerca Archivi e Pratiche per la Tutela Operativa Regionale)
- Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici del Piemonte e Museo delle Antichità Egizie, Torino. Archivio Vincoli
- The Epigraphic Database Rome (EDR) - International Federation of Electronic Archive of Greek and Latin Epigraphy (EAGLE)
The South-Eastern Sector of the Esquiline Hill. Reconstruction of the Ancient Landscape, Between the Late Republic and the Third Century AD
The aim of my project is to investigate the development of the south-eastern sector of the Esquiline Hill, between the Late Republic and the third century AD. This multifunctional area had many different uses and included a variety of monuments. My research aims at collecting, mapping and studying all the heterogeneous evidence known from the area, by combining archaeological, epigraphic and literary sources, together with archival records and the application of informatics tools. The final goal is to increase our understanding of this ancient landscape, which could be considered a perfect place to investigate the development of the cultural, economic and social history of ancient Rome.
Classical Archaeology, Topography of Ancient Rome, Roman History and Latin Epigraphy
F. D’Andrea, Il sepolcro del liberto Epaphroditus: una proposta di identificazione e nuovi spunti di riflessione sugli horti dell’Esquilino sud-orientale, MEFRA 130.1, 2018
F. D’Andrea, Dalla Vigna Sassi al Parco degli Scipioni: storia di un’area archeologica e del suo antiquario, in D. Manacorda, N. Balistreri, V. Di Cola (a cura di), Vigna Codini e dintorni, Atti della Giornata di Studi (Roma, istituto di Studi Romani, 10 giugno 2015) (Bari 2017) 171-184
F. D’Andrea, Monumenta Columbariorum integra reperta. Analisi di un complesso monumentale presso Porta Maggiore, BSR 83, 2015, 29–63
S. Orlandi, A. Carapellucci, F. D’Andrea, I. Gabrielli, D. Kosmopoulos, C. Martino, M. Serra, EDR - Effetti collaterali 2, ScAnt 21.1, 2015, 241-254
E. Panero, F. D’Andrea, Notiziario. Buronzo. Ritrovamenti dal territorio, QuadAPiem 29, 2014, 207-209