Giulia Raimondi M.A.

Jan. – Feb. 2023
Since 2020
PhD Candidate in Science of Cultural Heritage and Production, University of Catania. Supervisors: Prof. Luigi M. Caliò, Prof. Salvatore Cannizzaro
2017 – 2020
Post-graduate School of Archaeology (Scuola di Specializzazione in Beni Archeologici), University of Catania. Thesis: Intra Moenia Funerary Monuments from the Hellenistic Age to the Imperial Age. A Preliminary Analysis. Supervisor: Prof. Luigi M. Caliò
2015 – 2017
MA in Archaeology at the University of Catania. Thesis: Arulae from Motya:
Iconographic study and catalogue of the objects. (Double Master Degree option - 'Internationalised Course' - thanks to the agreements signed since 2009 with the University of Warsaw, allows students graduating in Archaeology at the University of Catania - international option - to obtain a double Master Degree, in Italian and Polish). Supervisors: Prof. Luigi M. Caliò, Prof. Iwona Modrzewska-Pianetti
2011 – 2015
BA in Classical Studies at the University of Catania. Thesis: Sacrificial rites and ceremonies in historical and archaeological contexts; findings in the mesopotamian world an the specific case of Umm El-Marra. Supervisor: Prof. Nicola Laneri
Since 2018
Member of several Archaeological Missions of the University of Catania: Agrigento, Pompeii; Ostia Antica; F.L.E.A. PROJECT (Fortified Landscape in Eastern Albania).
2015 – 2017
Member of Kom Al-Ahmer/Kom Wasit Project (Egypt), CAIE (Centro Archeologico Italo-Egiziano), University of Padua (Prof. Mohamed Kenawi, Prof. Michele Asolati)
2012 – 2018
Member of several Archaeological Missions: Palikè (Sicily); Valcorrente (Sicily); La Reitana (Sicily); Roman Necropolis - Calatabiano (Sicily); Roman Hypogeum "Quadrato" in via San Filippo (Sicily); Mozia (Sicily); Gortyna (Crete); Medieval Cemetery of "Le Mura" Jesolo (Venice).
Since 2022
Member of CHAIN - Cultural Heritage Academic Interdisciplinary Network. (Head of Logistics for the CHAIN Conference 2022, "Crisis and Cultural Heritage. Evidence, Use, Resource"), University of Catania
2006 – 2011
High School Leaving Qualification in Classical Studies at the Liceo Classico Mario Cutelli, Catania (Italy)
The Sanctuaries of the Nymphs. The water landscape in Sicily and its history
The cult of water is one of the most important cultic expressions in Sicily. The island's ancient religiosity is in fact closely linked to the natural elements of its territory.
The cult of the Water Nymphs and the places dedicated to them are a fundamental part of this study that involves (in an interdisciplinary research) an analysis of the territory, an investigation of water management, the geography of the island's cults and the environment in which they took place (an important element of ritual). The focus of the research therefore includes the analysis of ancient sanctuaries and their catalogue. Other crucial points are present on the written sources, essential evidence of the rituals and cults associated with the veneration of water and the historical-mythical figures connected to it. The study will show how this island presents, in all its variety, a continuity of cults and structural forms that could hardly stand out in other contexts. The conservation of the material and immaterial culture of Sicily, a crossroads of peoples crossing the Mediterranean, coincides with the conservation of the history of the peoples who have built monuments in its lands and produced what we now call Cultural Heritage.
G. Raimondi, Ceramica figurata, in L.M. Caliò, G.M. Gerogiannis, F. Leoni, G. Raimondi (edd.), Agrigento 2. Il Santuario Ellenistico-Romano. Scavi 2013-2017. I Materiali, Roma 2022, pp. 19-23. ISBN 978-88-5491-326-4.
G. Raimondi, Ceramica da preparazione e da conservazione, in L.M. Caliò, G.M. Gerogiannis, F. Leoni, G. Raimondi (edd.), Agrigento 2. Il Santuario Ellenistico-Romano. Scavi 2013-2017. I Materiali, Roma 2022, pp. 315-327. ISBN 978-88-5491-326-4.
G. Raimondi, Analisi preliminare dei materiali dalle ricognizioni nell’ambito del Progetto “Fortified Landscape in Eastern Albania” in CronA 40, Supplemento online 2021, pp. 55-65.
G. Raimondi, I luoghi della cultura in Israele e nei Territori Palestinesi, in Identità, Cultura
e Sviluppo Sostenibile. Popolazioni, Territori e Paesaggi in Terra Santa, M. Sorbello (a cura di), Roma 2021, pp. 131-158. ISBN 979–12–5994–473–3.
L.M. Caliò, G. Raimondi, Tombe “eccellenti” e infrastrutture urbane. Problemi di topografia funeraria, in G. Lepore e B. Muka (edd.), L’archeologia della morte in Illiria ed Epiro. Contesti, ritualità e immagini tra Età Ellenistica e Romana, Atti del Convegno Internazionale, Tirana 16-18 dicembre 2019 Accademia delle Scienze, Roma 2020, pp. 89-114. ISBN: 978-88-5491-122-2
EISBN: 978-88-5491-117-8.