Alessia Pilloni M.A.

Ancient Philosophy and History of Ancient Science (APhil/HistAS)
Ancient Near Eastern Studies – History of Knowledge in the Ancient World
Institut für Wissensgeschichte des Altertums
Arnimallee 10
14195 Berlin
12/2022 – present
Student representative in the doctoral program Ancient Philosophy and History of Ancient Science
Doctoral student at BergSAS (HistAS)
Research assistant at ZODIAC – Astral Science in Transformation (ERC)
09/2019 – 04/2022
MA Archaeology and Ancient History (Ancient Near East), Università degli Studi di Torino
10/2020 – 10/2021
Erasmus+ in Altorientalistik, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
09/2015 – 07/2019
BA Cultural Heritage (Archaeology), Università degli Studi di Torino
Knowledge Transfer of Astral Science in the Late Babylonian Period
Astronomical and astrological cuneiform texts witness to the extraordinary intellectual achievements of Babylonian scholars of the late first millennium BC. This is the result of a process based on celestial observation and mathematical modeling started two millennia earlier.
Babylon and Uruk are the only two Mesopotamian cities in which all types of Late Babylonian astronomical and astrological texts are attested, therefore, their importance lies in their documentation of the knowledge transfer process. The proposed study aims to determine the nature of the local bodies of knowledge through a systematic comparison of the cuneiform sources from all relevant corpora of astral sciences.
Agnethler, H., Gogokhia E., Jiménez, E., Pilloni, A., Setälä, A., Eine spätbabylonische synkretistische Hymne an Nabû, Journal of Cuneiform Studies 74(1). 205-222. Chicago Press.