Thomas Peeters M.A. B.Sc.

Ancient Philosophy and History of Ancient Science (APhil/HistAS)
Ancient Near Eastern Studies – History of Knowledge in the Ancient World
Institut für Wissensgeschichte des Altertums
Arnimallee 10
14195 Berlin
02/2023 – present
Research assistant at ZODIAC - Ancient Astral Science in Transformation (ERC), Freie Universität Berlin
09/2017 – 08/2020
MA in Classics and Ancient Civilizations, specialising in Greek and Latin Languages and Literature, Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen
09/2016 – 08/2020
BSc in Mathematics, track Algebra & Topology, also including a minor in Indology (Sanskrit, Hindi, Buddhism, Hinduism, Languages and Cultures of India), Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen
09/2013 – 08/2017
BA in Greek and Latin Languages and Cultures, Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen
Pinpointing the zodiac: on developments in accuracy in ancient mathematical astronomy
This project entails the first ever systematic, historical investigation of the accuracy of astronomical computations through different periods and cultures of the ancient world after the introduction of the zodiac, in particular Babylonia, Greece, Rome and Egypt from ca. 450 BCE to ca. 300 CE. Its aim is to diachronically evaluate regional differences and developments in accuracy and to relate these to innovations in astrological, computational and observational practices. Thus, the accuracy of astronomical computations is used as a diagnostic tool for studying the development and the cross-cultural dissemination of astronomical and astrological practices across the ancient world.
Peeters, T.S. (2020), "When I Paint My Masterpiece: Bob Dylan as a modern epic poet", in: Πρακτικά Διεθνούς Επιστημονικής Ημερίδας: Η Πρόσληψη της Κλασικής Λογοτεχνίας στη Σύχρονη Στιγουρική, Prolepsis Association, Αθήνα: ΕΚΠΑ, pp. 196-222.