Zhixi Wang M.A.

Ancient Philosophy and History of Ancient Science (APhil/HistAS)
Research Training Group
Philosophy, Science and the Sciences
Hannoversche Str. 6
10115 Berlin
09/2018 – 06/2020
M. A. Philosophy, Tsinghua University
08/2016 – 06/2017
Minor Abroad, Sciences Po Paris
09/2014 – 07/2018
B. A. Philosophy, Tsinghua University
Teleology at Its Limits: Elemental Motion in Plato and Aristotle
My dissertation investigates the relation between elemental motion (motion of earth, water, air and fire) and teleology in Plato and Aristotle in a comparative manner. While both philosophers defend teleology regarding the universe as a whole, it is less evident whether they intend teleology to extend to elemental motion, the most basic of physical changes. By looking into how they, through different approaches, incorporate elemental motion into a teleological cosmology, new light can be shed on issues such as the limits of teleology and the relation between teleology and necessity.