Cecilia Conte M.St., M.A.

Landscape Archaeology and Architecture (LAA)
Prehistoric Archaeology
Institut für Prähistorische Archäologie
Fabeckstr. 23/25
14195 Berlin
10/2020 – 01/2024
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Master of Arts in Central Asian Studies
Thesis: "Between Science & Sacred: Archaeology, Landscape, and Knowledge in the Karakol Valley, Altai Republic (Russian Federation)"
10/2018 – 07/2019
University of Oxford, Master of Studies in Archaeology
Thesis: "Animal-human relationships in the Mongolian Altai: a view from the petroglyph complex Tsagaan Salaa/Baga Oigor
09/2015 – 07/2018
University College London, Bachelor of Arts in Archaeology
Thesis: "Concepts of time at Madinat al-Zahra, Spain"
09/2027 – 06/2015
Französisches Gymnasium Berlin, Baccalauréat & Abitur
05/2025 – 07/2025
Academician B.Rinchen Scholarship for Mongolian Studies
National University of Mongolia
01/2024 – 06/2024
Predoc Scholarship
Berlin Graduate School of Ancient Studies
What is a horse? Approaching Mongolian horses through archaeology, ethnography, and genetics
The introduction of domestic horses and riding during the 2nd millennium BC triggered profound changes in prehistoric Mongolian societies. The connection between horses and humans was instrumental for the creation of past nomadic states, and, until today, horses remain beloved. By combining ethnography with herders and their living horses with archaeological and genetic approaches to prehistoric horses, this PhD project aims to create a diachronic, multivocal understanding of horses across Mongolia. Established scientific narratives such as the nature-culture dichotomy, domestication as domination or ritual vs. subsistence will be critically reevaluated.
Die Dissertation wird gefördert durch ein Elsa-Neumann-Stipendium des Landes Berlin.
Conte, C. 2023. Review: Warwick Ball. 2021. The Eurasian Steppe: people, movement, ideas. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. Antiquity. https://doi.org/10.15184/aqy.2023.87
Conte, C. and Hopper, K. 2023. The Steppe Sisters Network and Conference. ArchéOrient Le Blog, 17 février 2023. https://archeorient.hypotheses.org/22109