Franziska Follmann M.Sc.

Landscape Archaeology and Architecture (LAA)
Institut für Prähistorische Archäologie
Fabeckstr. 23-25
14195 Berlin
Since 11/2022
PhD candidate in BerGSAS at Freie Universität Berlin (D)
Since 07/2022
Elsa Neumann fellow and PhD candidate at Freie Universität Berlin (D)
2010 – 2020
Bachelor and Master of Science in Prehistory and Archaeological Science at University Basel (CH)
2009 – 2010
Studies in Biology at University Basel (CH)
1998 – 2008
Gymnasium Lindlar (D)
13 – 17/06/2022
Oral presentation of preliminary research results (sites: Isolino Virginia and Les Bagnoles) at the IWGP conference in Budweis
02 – 06/05/2022
Participation in the International Workshop of Methodology in Archaeobotany at University Basel organised by F. Antolín
Since 05/2022
“Flax DNA project” with Dr. L. Botigué and A. Iob, with collaboration of Archäologisches Zentrum Berlin, CRAG and University of York
05/2021 – 04/2022
Research associate in Archaeobotany at the DAI in Berlin, Department of Natural Sciences, Project Isotopic Approach, Site Isolino Virginia (IT) (Head: Prof. Dr. F. Antolín)
02/2020 – 04/2021
Assistant for the MAGIA project, Gränichen (CH), Kantonsarchäologie Aargau and University Basel (Heads: Prof. Dr. B. Röder, PD Dr. Ph. Rentzel)
09/2019 – 04/2021
Editorial work for the publication of Abri Unterkobel in Oberriet (CH), Kantonsarchäologie St. Gallen (Head: F. Wegmüller)
10/2017 – 2020
Assistant in the Research Group Archaeobotany, IPNA, University of Basel (Heads: Prof. Dr. S. Jacomet, Prof. Dr. F. Antolín)
2012 – 2020
Assistant in the Research Group Prehistory, IPAS, University of Basel (Head: Dr. D. Wojtczak, former head: Prof. Dr. J.-M. Le Tensorer)
11 – 12/2016
Survey on the Paleolithic of Northern Jordan with the Research Group Prehistory (Dr. R. Jagher, Dr. D. Wojtczak), IPAS, University of Basel
2012 – 2015
Assistant of Prof. Dr. S. Jacomet to supervise the archaeobiological sieving at the Neolithic site "Les Bagnoles" (F) (four weeks per year)
01 – 02/2013
Internship at the Archaeological Museum Frankfurt (D) in the Prehistoric Department (Head: Dr. C. Willms (†2015))
07/2011 – 08/2011
Participation in the excavation of the Mesolithic site "Abri St. Joseph" in Lutter (F)
The development of agriculture in the northwestern Mediterranean around the economic threshold of 4000 BC
Neolithic farmers in the northwestern Mediterranean focused on the cultivation of free-threshing cereals for over a millennium. Around 4000 BC agriculture underwent a significant change with the preference shifting to glume wheats. Evidence for this is provided by plant remains from archaeological sites. Previously, the material came exclusively from dry sites, but quality and quantity of rare waterlogged remains are substantially better.
The goal of my PhD project is to better understand the driving factors. Causes such as climatic changes, cultural influence, and the spread of pests have been proposed. I will investigate waterlogged material from three sites in France and Italy. In addition to the carpological analysis, stable isotopes will help to reconstruct growth conditions.
Furthermore, a genetical study will assess the kinship of the crop populations. To understand the role of cereals in exchange networks I will contextualize my results with data from other sites and integrate them in well-studied networks of archaeological objects.
in press:
Antolín F, Follmann F, Gerling C, Hajdas I, Jaggi M, Jesus A, Martínez-Grau H, Soteras R, Steiner BL, Bernasconi S, Jacomet S (in press), A change is gonna come: an archaeobotanical and stable isotope approach to changing agricultural practices in the northwest Mediterranean region around 4000 BC. The Holocene.
Antolín F, Martínez-Grau H, Steiner BL, Follmann F, Soteras R, Häberle S, Prats G, Schäfer M, Mainberger M, Hajdas I, Banchieri DG (2022) Neolithic occupations (c. 5200-3400 cal BC) at Isolino Virginia (Lake Varese, Italy) and the onset of the pile-dwelling phenomenon around the Alps. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 42, 103375.
Jesus A, Prats G, Follmann F, Jacomet S, Antolín F (2020) Middle Neolithic farming of open-air sites in SE France: new insights from archaeobotanical investigations of three wells found at Les Bagnoles (L’Isle-sur-la-Sorgue, Dépt. Vaucluse, France). Vegetation History and Archaeobotany.
Antolín F, Delefosse C, Errera M, Follmann F, Jacomet S, Jesus A, Kühn M, Pétrequin P, Schäfer M, Schibler J, Reggio A, van Willigen S (2020): Les structures attribuables au Néolithique moyen de type La Roberte (fin du Ve millénaire-début du Ive millénaire avant notre ère). In: van Willigen S, Bailly M, Röder B, Schibler J, Schmitt A (eds.). Les Bagnoles à L’Isle-sur-la-Sorgue (Vaucluse) – le Néolithique moyen et les occupations postérieures (âge du Bronze, âge du Fer et Antiquité). Aix-en-Provence, Presses Universitaires de Provence, pp. 229-280.
Antolín F, Jesus A, Follmann F, Jacomet S (2020) Économie et alimentation. In: van Willigen S, Bailly M, Röder B, Schibler J, Schmitt A (eds.). Les Bagnoles à L’Isle-sur-la-Sorgue (Vaucluse) – le Néolithique moyen et les occupations postérieures (âge du Bronze, âge du Fer et Antiquité). Aix-en-Provence, Presses Universitaires de Provence, pp. 316-329.
Antolín F, Schmitt A, Bader M, D’Anna A, Delefosse C, Errera M, Follmann F, Jacomet S, Jesus A, Kühn M, Pétrequin P, Reggio A, Röder B, Schäfer M., Schibler J, Schoch WH, Viel L, van Willigen S (2020): Les structures attribuables au Néolithique moyen de type Chassey (dernier tiers du Ve millénaire avant notre ère). In: van Willigen S, Bailly M, Röder B, Schibler J, Schmitt A (eds.). Les Bagnoles à L’Isle-sur-la-Sorgue (Vaucluse) – le Néolithique moyen et les occupations postérieures (âge du Bronze, âge du Fer et Antiquité). Aix-en-Provence, Presses Universitaires de Provence, pp. 117-228.
Jagher R, Wojtczak D, Le Tensorer J-M, Al-Nahar M, Abu Ghaneimeh K, Hourani F, Sanson A, Follmann F, Lo Russo S, Al Shoubaki S, Le Tensorer H (2017) The First Human Settlements on the Left Bank of the Jordan Valley: Report of the 2015 and 2016 seasons. SLSA, Ed. Swiss-Liechtenstein Foundation for Archaeological Research Abroad.
D’Anna A, Antolín F, Bader M, Bailly M, Brochier J-E, Denaire A, Follmann F, Guendon J-L, Guyonnet F, Jacomet S, Kühn M, Reggio A, Rentzel P, Röder B, Schäfer M, Schibler J, Schmitt A, Schoch W, van Willigen S (2016) Rapport final d’opération du 13 juillet au 29 septembre 2015, Les Bagnoles L’Isle-sur-la-Sorgue (Vaucluse). Code INSEE : 84 054, N° du site : 0012, N° de l’opération : 3177, MMSH-LAMPEA, UMR 7269, 5, rue du Château de l’Horloge ; BP 647 ; 13094 Aix-en-Provence cedex 2.