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Dr. phil. Martin Dinter


Sept. – Dec. 2023, Mar. – May 2024

Department of Classics
King’s College London
London WC2R 2LS
United Kingdom

Since 09/2007
Lecturer/Senior Lecturer/ Reader at King’s College London

Humboldt Fellowship for Experienced Researchers at the University of Würzburg

Senior Fellow Morphomata Kollege, University of Cologne

Visiting professorships (selection): NTNU (Trondheim), USP (Sao Paulo, Brazil), Universidad de los Andes (Bogota), UNAM (Mexico City), ENS (Paris)

2013 – 2015
FAPESP Research Fellow, USP (Sao Paulo, Brazil)

PhD in Classics, Cambridge University

MPhil in Greek and Latin Literature and Language, Cambridge University

Alumnus of Cusanuswerk, DAAD, Kurt Hahn Trust

Conflict Resolution, Compromise and Reconciliation in Classical Literature

My project aims to use recent advances in War Studies and Peace Building Education research and map them onto Greek and particularly Roman culture so as to examine aspects of the Konfliktkultur of the ancient world as represented in ancient literature such as historiography, drama and epic. Since many of these genres claim a nomothetic function I shall aims to distill elements of discourse and highlight differences to modern approaches.

I shall work on an article suggesting ways of employing Classical literature in communicating conflict resolution skills to conflict-affected youth. I will evaluate how the Classics have historically informed pedagogical initiatives (and are doing so nowadays in projects in Latin America) and devise ways in which ancient literature can continue to enhance peace-related education.

In addition, with my colleague Gabriel Evangelou (Ionian University) I shall co-edit a special issue on Reconciliation in the Ancient World for the Trends in Classics Journal.

Fields of research

Roman Literature and Culture; Conflict Resolution; Cultural Memory; Intermediality; Transmediality

Dinter, M, Guerin, C. eds. (2023) Cultural Memory in Republican and Augustan Rome. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 450 pp.

Dinter, M, Guerin, C., Martinho, M. eds. (2020) Reading Roman Declamation: Seneca the Elder. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 384 pp.

Dinter, M. (2019). The Cambridge Companion to Roman Comedy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 418 pp.

Buckley, E., Dinter M., eds.(2013) A Companion to the Neronian Age. Malden: Wiley-Blackwell. 544 pp.

Dinter, M. (2012) Anatomizing Civil War - Aspects of Lucan's Epic Technique. Michigan University Press. 200 pp.
