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Theorie-Lesezirkel: "Archaeology as Macroarchaeology"

The Theorie-Lesenzirkel will meet on July 06 to discuss two chapters from Charles Perreault's "The Quality of the Archaeological Record."

News from Jun 13, 2022

Topic: Archaeology as Macroarchaeology

Due to the current situation, the Lesezirkel will use the online platform Zoom for discussion. After registration, all participants will receive the link to the online conference room by e-mail one hour before the meeting starts.


Charles Perreault, The Quality of the Archaeological Record (Chicago/London 2019), Chapters 1+7
(Chapter 7 is optional)



Meeting-ID: 666 0944 8845
Passwort: 301702


For more information please contact Alexander Veling (alexander.veling@berliner-antike-kolleg.org) or Mariana Silva Porto (mariana.silva.porto@berliner-antike-kolleg.org).

Time & Location:

Jul 06, 2022 | 06:00 PM - 08:00 PM


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