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Photographs of ancient Latin inscriptions wanted!

The project "Before they are lost forever. Eine kollaborative open access-Plattform für private Fotografien lateinischer Insschriften" has launched a call and is looking for old private photographs showing Latin inscriptions.

News from Jul 07, 2022

Have you traveled to North Africa or the Middle East in the 1960s and photographed Latin inscriptions there?
Have you inherited a photo collection with pictures of Latin inscriptions?
Would you be happy if those photos could be preserved and published?

Then this call is addressed to you!

Our project addresses private individuals and aims to gather photographs of ancient Latin inscriptions. Of particular interest are:

  • Very old photographs (2nd half of the 19th / 1st half of the 20th century), where there is a probability that they depict an inscription in a better condition than it is in today.
  • Photographs from regions of the Roman Empire where there have been losses of archaeological evidence, e.g. due to wars.
  • Please send prints, slides, negatives with photographs of Latin inscriptions by mail to:
    Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum
    "Before they are lost forever"
    Jägerstrasse 22/23
    10117 Berlin
    We will digitise the images and return them to you, if you so wish.
  • Alternatively, please send us high-resolution (min. 600 dpi) digital copies of your old photographic media of Latin inscriptions (max. size 10 MB) by e-mail to cil_lost@bbaw.de. For larger amounts of data, we will happy to share an upload link to our cloud upon request.
  • If possible, please provide the following information by e-mail to cil_lost@bbaw.de: Where and when was the photo taken? Who (first and last name) took the picture?

What will happen to your photographic media?

Your photographs will be reviewed and qualitatively assessed in Berlin. The inscriptions depicted in the photos will be identified by project staff, and the data will be recorded and made accessible on the museum-digital platform.


Please send only photographs that were taken at locations where a photo permit existed. By submitting a photograph, you agree that it is considered to be in the public domain and may be published and reused. You are welcome to discuss with us in which form the name of the photographer should be published. The project must reserve the right not to present submitted photographs.

Project leadership

PD Dr. Ulrike Ehmig
Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum
Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften
Jägerstrasse 22/23
10117 Berlin

The project is funded by the BAK as part of the 2022/23 annual theme "Mit!Reden - Transdisziplinarität und Partizipation in den Altertumswissenschaften".

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