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Call for Papers

We are pleased to announce the call for papers for the international conference "Fight or Flight: The archaeology of space, mobility, and violence." The conference, which will take place from April 24-26, 2024, is organized by Vera Egberts, Jana Eger and Ilia Heit. Submissions are welcome by December 10th.

News from Sep 01, 2023

The international conference held at the Freie Universität Berlin in April 2024, shifts the focus from manifestations of violence to its prevention by (past) communities. In addition to experts in ancient studies, we invite scholars from the fields of human geography, anthropology, and sociology to consider the outlined topics from different perspectives and to create synergy effects. Furthermore, we welcome input from outside of academia by people who are involved in refugee aid and asylum processes or who experienced (forced) migration themselves.

The following key topics will be adressed at the conference:

  1. Dislocation – physical movement between freedom and external coercion
  2. Along borders and frontiers – encounters and spatial conflicts
  3. Closing off, fencing, aggregating – active avoidance between precaution and protection against acute danger

We kindly ask all interested scholars to send their proposals (300 words) and a short CV to ilia.heit@dainst.de by 10. December.

The conference is part of our annual theme 2023/24 "Conflicts and how to deal with them."

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