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Call for Papers - "Theorizing Ancient Studies in/as Transdisciplinary Space"

On behalf of our Fellow Dr Christian Langer, we are pleased to announce the Call for Papers for the workshop "Transcension: Theorizing Ancient Studies in/as Transdisciplinary Space".

News from Sep 18, 2023

Transdisciplinarity/transdisciplinary research is an emerging complex across the humanities and sciences, partly influenced by policymaking and research management. Conceptualizing Ancient Studies in and as transdisciplinary space, it seems crucial to theorize what transdisciplinarity constitutes and entails, how we realize that, and what tools and cooperatives are necessary to conduct transdisciplinary work in a meaningful may. This workshop aims to tackle these questions and invites scholars from various fields to discuss and theorize while incorporating empirical case studies. A focal point will be the interaction and integration of Ancient Studies fields with other academic disciplines and non-academic sectors as well as the connection of Ancient Studies interests with contemporary issues. Note that we employ a global outlook and consider the label ancient/premodern not limited to Classical and/or Eastern Mediterranean antiquity often seen as synonymous with the term. We thus encourage prospective participants from a range of backgrounds to consider participating and sharing their perspectives on how they see transdisciplinarity factoring into their work, also in relation to inter- and multidisciplinarity as alternative -ities.

Together with the Berliner Antike-Kolleg (BAK) and the Institute Archäologie und Kulturgeschichte Nordostafrikas (AKNOA) at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin in connection with the 2022/23 BAK Annual Theme Mit!Reden (Active Voices), Christian Langer invites papers for the workshop TRANSCENSION: THEORIZING ANCIENT STUDIES IN/AS TRANSDISCIPLINARY SPACE which will be held online from 19–21 January 2024. Suggested areas for papers to address include but are certainly not limited to:

  • Contemporary Issues Seen through/in Ancient Datasets
  • Cultural Reception of Ancient Worlds
  • Digital Humanities
  • Methodology
  • Public Engagement and New Technologies
  • Theory and Interpretive Approaches

Abstracts should be a maximum 400 words, suitable for a 15- to 20-minute presentation. The deadline for the submission of abstracts is 31 October 2023. Please send your abstract as a Word or PDF e-mail attachment to christian.langer@berliner-antike-kolleg.org with ‘Transcension abstract’ as the subject heading.

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