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Welcome to the Berliner Antike-Kolleg

Our Fellow program has grown! We are happy to welcome Amel Bouder and Roland Steinacher, who have started their research activities at the BAK in october.

News from Oct 18, 2023

Amel Bouder is conducting research on "Iconography and epigraphy in context: The funerary and votive stelae of Theveste (1st-4th c. AD)". The archaeologist comes from Algeria and was previously a fellow at the "RomanIslam - Center for Comparative Empire and Transcultural Studies" at Universität Hamburg.

Roland Steinacher´s research is on "Romanness and its Transformations ca. 300–800 CE". Together with colleagues at the Freie Universität Berlin (FU) and the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (HU), the ancient historian will prepare a proposal on this topic.

Amel Boder und Roland Steinacher thhus join Martin Dinter und Christian Langer, who have already been conducting research at the BAK since September.

We are looking forward to our joint work and wish our guests an informative time in Berlin!

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