Initial and advanced training formats
Working closely with the universities and its non-university partners, the Berliner Antike-Kolleg (BAK) is actively involved in the teaching of students. In addition to courses and lectures that are open to students, our graduate school creates special offerings for doctoral students. Funded and supported by the Freie Universität Berlin and Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, the graduate school integrates the skills and expertise of the non-university partners into its training, thus enabling a wide range of organizations to contribute to its graduate education. In addition to the formats primarily serving to train the junior scholars, we also offer a number of seminars and lecture series aimed at a broader academic and non-academic public.
Introduction to archaeozoology in the context of the Summer School "Economic Landscapes" | Photo: Christina Michel
Summer Schools
With our summer schools, we have set up education formats that are able to provide junior scholars with concentrated training in specific skills. In this selective and focused format, students explore innovative research techniques, important fields of application or specific fields of research not normally covered in university training.
- Languages and Cultures on the Silk Road (2019)
- Economic Landscapes (2018)
- Vergleich und Grenzen der Vergleichbarkeit in den Altertumswissenschaften (2017)
- Opening the Landscape (2016)
- Music Archaeology – Approaches, Applied Research, Methods (2015)
- Musikarchäologie – Eine Einführung in das Studium antiker Musik (2014)
Methodology courses
BerGSAS offers graduate courses that, though grounded in individual subjects, equip doctoral students with knowledge and skills extending beyond those required for scholarly work. Working in small groups, the graduate students gain insight into fields like museology, restoration and conservation, the protection of cultural goods, research management and research communication, and national and international policies on cultural affairs and science/research.
- Dokumentation, Edition und Präsentation/Medialisierung (2021)
- Material und Materialität (2019)
- Kulturgut im Forschungsprozess (2018)
- Bildwissenschaft und visuelle Kommunikation (2018)
- Dokumentation, Edition und Präsentation/Medialisierung (2017)
Digital Classicist Berlin
Berlin’s Digital Classicist seminar is modeled on the London “Digital Classicist/Work in Progress Seminar". Launched in 2012, the seminar series is organized in cooperation with various partner institutions, including the Deutsches Archäologisches Institut (DAI), the Freie Universität Berlin (FUB) and, in the past, the Excellence Cluster Topoi. The BAK has supported the seminar series the 2019/20 winter semester.
The August-Boeckh-Antikezentrum (ABAZ) initiates and coordinates interdisciplinary research and teaching activities and projects in the fields of classical studies and related disciplines within Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. In an effort to bundle resources and give the center's activities a Berlin-wide impact, the ABAZ will be integrated into the BAK.
Lecture series
Our lecture series, jointly launched with the Excellence Cluster Topoi in the 2016/17 winter semester, is aimed at drawing attention to the relevance that questions in ancient studies have for engagement with societal phenomena of the present day.
- Alte Welt neu formatiert. Altertumswissenschaftliche Forschung im Zeitalter des digitalen Wandels (2019/20)
- Welt der Archäologie – Archäologie der Welt. Neue Ansätze und Perspektiven (2019)
- Krieg und Gewalt vom Altertum bis in die Gegenwart (2018)
- "Identität" – Probleme eines Konzepts und seine Entstehungsgeschichte (2017/18)
- Migration. Wanderungsbewegungen vom Altertum bis in die Gegenwart (2016)
We contribute courses on ancient studies topics to the KinderUni program of the Freie Universität Berlin (FUB). One week each year, this annual series of events offers diverse range of hands-on courses for school classes.