Research and society in dialog
Part of the mission of the Berliner Antike-Kolleg (BAK) is to bring Berlin’s ancient studies research community into a wide-ranging conversation with the public. To this end, we develop projects and test out new communication methods with the aim of bringing researchers and various social groups into dialog. This dialog also creates a way for current debates to inform research, by suggesting new aspects, dimensions and dynamics to incorporate into research questions or providing a critical lens through which to examine them.
Saving Antiquities – A playful introduction to the system for the protection of cultural assets
Our aim with “Saving Antiquities”, a joint project of the BAK, the Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft and the Ägyptisches Museum und Papyrussammlung der Staatlichen Museen, is to create ab interactive experience enabling people to gain an understanding of how the regime for the protection of cultural assets works and what lies behind it. The main focus of the project is the development of a cooperative game.
Discussion forums
Our discussion forums aim at encouraging exchange between ancient studies and other disciplines and/or various groups of the public. The forums form the basis for further activities in the domains of research, teaching and research communications.
- Digital Archaeology Network
- Pottery Network
- Theory Network
- Research Reformatted: Altertumswissenschaftliche Forschung zwischen technischer Innovation und Aktionismus? (2019)
- Lehrerfortbildung: Ein Werkstattgespräch schafft Kooperation (2016)
- Digging for the Future - Im Dialog über Archäologie und ihre Öffentlichkeiten: Die Zukunft freilegen! (2015)
- Social Media und Altertumswissenschaften (2015)
- Altertumswissenschaften und Journalismus (2014)
Berliner Antike*-Blog
Our blog presents the world of ancient studies in Berlin/Brandenburg in varied and entertaining formats.
Berliner Antike in ... - Personen und Objekte
Once each year, we host a festive event at which we inform the public about our activities.
- Berliner Antike im Humboldt-Saal – Personen und Objekte (2023)
- Berliner Antike im Bodemuseum – Personen und Objekte (2022)
- Berliner Antike in der James-Simon-Galerie – Personen und Objekte (2021)
- Berliner Antike im virtuellen Raum – Personen und Objekte (2020)
- Berliner Antike in der James-Simon-Galerie – Personen und Objekte (2019)
- Berliner Antike im Griechischen Hof – Personen und Objekte (2018)
- Berliner Antike in der Rotunde – Personen und Objekte (2017)
- Berliner Antike im Griechischen Hof – Personen und Objekte (2016)
- Berliner Antike in der Basilika – Personen und Objekte (2015)
- BAK-Abend im Archäologischen Zentrum (2014)
Lecture series
Our lecture series, jointly launched with the Excellence Cluster Topoi in the 2016/17 winter semester, is aimed at drawing attention to the relevance that questions in ancient studies have for engagement with societal phenomena of the present day.
- Alte Welt neu formatiert. Altertumswissenschaftliche Forschung im Zeitalter des digitalen Wandels (2019/20)
- Welt der Archäologie – Archäologie der Welt. Neue Ansätze und Perspektiven (2019)
- Krieg und Gewalt vom Altertum bis in die Gegenwart (2018)
- "Identität" – Probleme eines Konzepts und seine Entstehungsgeschichte (2017/18)
- Migration. Wanderungsbewegungen vom Altertum bis in die Gegenwart (2016)
Antiquity Slam
This innovative science-slam format, which we have supported since 2016, has established itself as a highly successful event series. Speakers at the Antiquity Slam present their research results in an entertaining 10-minute talk.
We contribute courses on ancient studies topics to the KinderUni program of the Freie Universität Berlin (FUB). One week each year, this annual series of events offers diverse range of hands-on courses for school classes.